


We are authorized distributors of Macpaul in the United States!

Macpaul has and always had the objective of producing products with quality above what is found in the market, to be different, to launch trends. Currently, we participate in the main international fairs in order to modernize, reinvent and at the same time expand our horizons.

A solid and serious company, on the market for 25 years, is committed to the health of its client, together with their total satisfaction.

The quality you know and the company you trust!




TRUSS has an impressive presence in more than 22 countries, with high quality products available for hairdressers in the finest hair salons of the world. The products deliver what they promise and results are incredibly noticeable from first application, creating instant customer loyalty amongst its consumers, also known as #crazyfortruss!

Although TRUSS may be considered a young brand by some, it has built and consolidated 18 years of absolute success and credibility wherever it goes. Currently taking the United States by storm, the brand offers to the American beauty market, the most exquisite hair products in the world!